Goldstar Post 191 History
In 1946 39 war veterans had the foresight to form this Post. They did so to continue the camaraderie they experienced in the military service, to promote veterans rights, and to serve their community. Unaware that there had been an American Legion Post in existence from 1920 - 1926 in Mount Airy, they searched for a new name for their post and quickly found it. During World War II, it was a custom to proudly display in a front window a red and white banner with a blue star affixed for every family member serving in the military. If that person was killed in service, the blue star was replaced with a gold star. Since those chartering the Post noted a number of such gold stars in the area, they decided to name it "Gold Star" to honor all those killed, rather than just use one or two individuals names to the exclusion of others.
Not only did those 39 charter members establish the Post, but they and many who followed them had the determination and devotion to make it succeed and grow. Therein lies the other part of this dedication - our gratitude to the many known and also forgotten members who have passed through our ranks and helped to make Gold Star Post 191 the organization it is today. Our membership is now at 934. As our membership grew, so did the Post's involvement with Americanism, Children and Youth, service to our veterans and community activities.
The founders and subsequent members of Gold Star Post 191 can be justifiable proud of what they have accomplished and that they have always remained true to the Legion motto "FOR GOD AND COUNTRY.