The American Legion Gold Star Post 191
The American Legion Gold Star Post 191
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The American Legion Gold Star Post 191

Membership Dues
For the Legion family
Are Due NOW

Legion $45.00
Auxiliary $35.00
SAL $35.00
SAL Under 21 $15.00
Dual Members $9.00


Eligibility for membership in The American Legion is set forth as follows:

The Legion Act, signed into law on July 30, 2019, authorizes all Honorably or General Discharged Veterans who served in the Armed forces (Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Air Force or Space Force of the United States) from December 7, 1941 forward to join the American Legion.

The American Legion Gold Star Post 191

Initial Membership At the Post:

Member applications can be picked up at the post during normal operating hours which are:

Monday – Thursday 10 AM – 11 PM

Friday 10 AM – 1 AM

Saturday 12 Noon till 1 AM

Sunday 1 PM – 10 PM

The applicant will need to fill out the application and return it to the post with a check for the applicable dues (listed above).  The application and dues can be placed it in the American Legion mailbox (see photo above) located as you enter the Lounge area on the right side.  New members are voted on at all membership meetings on the 2nd Wednesday of each month (except July).  Your membership card will then be mailed to you.

Join in the common bond of all that served regardless of Era!

Renew Membership Online:

You can renew your membership online by clicking HERE.

Renew Membership in person at the Post:

Membership renewal envelopes are available as you enter the Lounge area on the right side.  Simply pickup a renewal envelope for the American Legion and complete the pertinent information, place your dues inside, seal and place it in the "American Legion" mailbox (see photo above).  Your membership card will be mailed to you!

Renew Membership by Mail:

Please send your membership dues to the address below, including your full name as printed on the membership card, membership number, also include any changes to your address, etc.

Gold Star SQDN. 191

P.O. Box 24

Mount Airy, MD 21771