Current Volunteer Opportunities
3/22 - Riders Sportsman Dinner Drawdown. We will raffle off whole desserts. Cakes, plates of brownies or cookies. We made $1062 at our last dessert raffle! Please know that you will not get your plate or platter back- it will go to the winner of your dessert. Label & drop off your baked goods on 3/22. Reach out to Janet if you have any questions.
3/29 - Legion Bonanza Bingo. We will once again sell baked goods, sodas, and chips. We will also raffle off a few “showstopper” cakes and a scratch off/gift card bouquet.
Cookies, brownies, sliced pound cakes are all great sellers. No cupcakes please. Please package items as individual servings (ex. 2 larger cookies or 3 smaller cookies etc.)
Label & drop off your baked goods on Fri. 3/28 or Sat. 3/29 by noon.
We are also looking for a few “showstopper” cakes that we can raffle off whole. Please let us know if you want to bring in a whole cake. Reach out to Jennifer if you have any questions.
Baby Shower for the New Parent Support Program at Ft. Detrick is once again seeking donations for babies and new moms. The NPSP is a free service that helps to meet the needs of military parents and we are thankful to continue to support this organization.
We have a sign-up site for needed items. Some items contain a link that is just for reference. You may also make monetary donations, we’ll combine those to purchase any remaining items. All items can be brought to our next meeting March 10th. Contact me or Janet to make pick up arrangements.
Gold Star Unit 191 Committees
There are so many ways to get involved in our unit and to help service members, veterans, their families and our community. Here is a list of current committees. If you see a committee that you would like to get involved with or would like more information on please reach out to the chairperson. We do have several committees who need a chairperson. If you would like to consider being the chair or have a friend you'd like to be co-chairpersons with, reach out to any officer and we'll help you in anyway we can.
Chair: Vacant
Committee Members:
Inform Unit of Patriotic Holidays and dates to fly the American Flag. Promote Americanism within our Unit and community.
Run the Unit Americanism Essay Contest that takes place between September and February.
-Contact all Elementary, Middle schools and scout groups in our standing rules and provide information about the essay contest.
-Collect essays and choose 3 non-Auxiliary judges to judge them. Send first place winning essays to the Department of MD Essay contest.
-Make award certificates and small gift bags for winners.
-Contact winners and arrange for them to come to a meeting to receive their prizes.
Chair: Tracy Ryan
Committee Members:
Order Poppies and open them for distribution. (Scout troops help with this)
At the beginning of May distribute and monitor poppy jars throughout the community. Collect poppy jars and donated money after Flag Day.
Attend the Post 191 Memorial Day Ceremony at Pine Grove Church and Legion reception, while there distribute poppies for donations.
Hold a community Poppy Poster Contest.
-Schedule and advertise contest.
-Collect posters and showcase them for judging. Select Judges from the community.
-Make award certificates and prize bags for winners. Send winning Poppy Posters to Department of MD for judging.
Make a convention hat for Auxiliary convention in July and wreath for Fall Conference. Work with JR Activities Chair to find a Miss Poppy for Auxiliary events.
Chair: Vacant
Committee Members:
Discover and inform our unit of opportunities to support Schools in our feeder area. In Sept. coordinate delivery school supplies/or checks to the elementary and middle schools per our Standing Rules. Coordinate purchasing, donations and delivery of apples/snacks to each school during National Education Week each November snacks for Teacher Appreciation week baskets each May.
Children & Youth
Chair: Vacant
Committee Members:
Discover and inform our unit of opportunities to support our local communities’ children and youth. Help to coordinate the Post/Unit 191 Community Easter Egg Hunt and Children’s Christmas event. Support the District and Department children and youth programs within our Unit, such as Casey Cares, Military Kids Month, Polar Bear Plunge, and Purple Up day.
Girls State
Chair: Kristen Barry
Committee Members: Julia Woods
Provide information about the Maryland Girls State program to the 3 High Schools and Scout groups we support. Collect Girls State applications and with the help of a committee interview and select up to 7 qualified candidates. Submit our selections to Dept. of MD Girls State Committee Chair. Provide all pertinent information regarding attending Girl’s State to the selected girls.
Chair: Sandra Powell
Committee Members: Kristen Barry, Trish Conte, Jennifer Muller, Julia Woods
Provide information about our scholarships to the 3 High Schools and Scout groups we support. Collect and review the scholarship applications and with the appointed committee select the 3 winners. Notify the Unit and selected winners. Arrange with the Unit treasurer where scholarship checks should be sent. If possible, attend the High School Awards Ceremony to present scholarships.
JR Activities
Chair: Vacant
Committee Members:
Contact Unit 191 Jr members and organize ways to involve them in Unit activities, encourage participation in the Auxiliary JR Patch program and help our Unit Poppy chair to find a Miss Poppy for Unit events.
Community Service
Chair: Jennifer Muller
Collect and organize all of the Unit’s Volunteer hours. Discover and inform our unit of opportunities to volunteer/help in the community such as: Make a Difference Day, Food Banks, cancer awareness, homeless shelters, Nursing homes. Organize yearly Electronic Recycling event.
Chair: Jennifer Muller
Send reminders to Unit members via Unit email. Advertise Unit events via Facebook, email, signs, newspaper ads, and radio ads when appropriate. Be an administrator for Unit Facebook Page and use Unit Canva account to make posters and signs.
Chair: Vacant
Committee members:
Provide information and assistance to American Legion Auxiliary members to advocate for the legislative agenda of The American Legion. Educate members in the legislative issues promoted by The American Legion Help members develop relationships with their local and state elected officials. Promote Women Vets.
National Security
Chair: Vacant
Committee members:
Support and enhance Legion Family and partner initiatives that strive to improve the Quality of Life of our service members and their families. Raise awareness of POW/MIAs and strengthen and support military service members and their families. Observe POW/MIA Recognition Day on the third Friday of September.
Veteran’s Affair and Rehab
Chair: Diane Lowe
Committee members: Joy Smith
This committee works to assist and provide help to any veteran whether it be items needed, visits, providing rides to doctor appointments etc. We support the Martinsburg VA hospital patients and residents with different events during the year including Bingo, annual baby shower and holiday festivities. We collect, purchase and deliver items wherever there is a need including Heartly House, Bethesda Navy Medical and many more.