What We Do To Fund Our Programs
Thursday Night Legion Bingo:
"In-person" Bingo is finally back at the American Legion Post 191, Mt Airy! Doors open at 5pm, Early Birds begin at 6:45pm! Selling Pull Tabs through halftime!
Food and drinks are available - must be 21 to play!
Bar Bingo:
Currently not being held. Check the newsletter or this site for information as to when it will be resumed. Bar Bingo is hosted by the Sons of the American legion and is typically held from 7 pm to 9 pm on the last Tuesday of the month in the lounge.
Friday night dinners are back in the lounge. The post has hired a cook to keep our Friday night dinners consistent. Please click here for MENU, call post at 301-829-9161 or check out our Facebook page to see what’s cooking for the week.
The Scholarship Draw Down is an annual event held in the Spring and hosted by the Sons of the American Legion Gold Star Squadron 191. Proceeds from the event are used to fund five academic scholarships. Knowing that we were not able to have the Draw Down last year, the Gold Star Post 191 American Legion generously donated $5,000 so the scholarships could move forward. On behalf of the members of Gold Star Squadron 191, we extend our sincere Thank You to the Gold Star Post 191 American Legion. We are proud to be a part of the Gold Star 191 Family! This year the Draw Down is back on! Is is scheduled for April 22, 2023. See our "At the Post" page for details.
The next Craft and Vendor event is scheduled for November 19, 2023. Check the newsletter or this site for more information on details. These events are relatively new and have been hosted by the Sons of the American Legion. Typically there have been over 20 vendors present. The plans are that we have two to three of these events each year.
Ronald Lowe Annual Charity Golf Outing
Each September, the Sons of the American Legion host this event to benefit the Ronald H. Lowe Memorial Scholarship. For this year's outing you can print out the entry form and return it to the Post. NOTE: Entry forms are updated annually.
Corn Hole Tournaments and Events
Check the newsletter for more information. Typically there are various Corn Hole and/or Horseshoe events held at the post or other sites for various charities. They are hosted by any of the American Legion family organizations.

This Annual event is sponsored by the Legion Axillary.